
Information for parents

Welcome to “Deutschsommer”! Study during the holidays? Yes, and with plenty of fun, too! During “Deutschsommer”, children improve their German language skills and strengthen their sense of self-confidence. Both have a positive effect on your child’s personality.

Informationen für Eltern:




Why is “Deutschsommer” important for your child?

Good German language skills are important, not only in German, but also in maths, general studies and everyday life. The “Deutschsommer” programme is aimed at third-graders who want to improve their German.  The aim of the project is to support children in their language and personal development before the transition to the all-important fourth grade.

Who organises “Deutschsommer”?

“Deutschsommer” has been organised by the foundation “Stiftung Polytechnischen Gesellschaft” since 2007. The foundation was established by Frankfurt citizens to promote education, culture and social issues in Frankfurt.  

When does “Deutschsommer” take place?

The “Deutschsommer” will take place in the first three weeks of the summer holidays, from 15.07. - 02.08.2024. From Monday to Friday the children spend the night at the Wegscheide school hostel.

Where does the “Deutschsommer” take place?

The “Deutschsommer” for children in the 3rd grade will take place at the Wegscheide school hostel. Of course, boys and girls stay in separate rooms.

Drop off and pick up:

The children are brought to the locations by bus on Mondays and back to Frankfurt on Fridays. Educational staff will accompany the bus trip. It will make various stops in Frankfurt. Your children will spend the weekends at home.

How much does “Deutschsommer” cost?

A fee of 60 euros is charged for catering, supervision and the programme. It is possible to apply for the reimbursement of the amount via the official Education and Participation Package (BuT).

Next steps

1. Register your child through their class teachers by 1. March 2024.

2. Feedback on participation: You will receive a letter in April 2024 to let you know whether your child can take part in the “Deutschsommer” programme. Some children will also get a place on the waiting list. Many of them move up later if other children cancel their place.

3. Personal appointment on 4. May 2024: One parent and the child due to attend the “Deutschsommer” programme will be at this appointment. The parents have to sign important documents, and will receive a lot of information. The children get to know other children who are also at their location and get a first impression of the “Deutschsommer” programme.

4. Start of “Deutschsommer”: On 15. July 2024 the “Deutschsommer” programme will start. The children will be taken by bus to the Wegscheide school hostel.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our project coordinators

Please reach out to Mr Sascha Janitz: 0163 44 15 775

Here you gain some key insight into how it works:

During “Deutschsommer”, the children learn, play and live together in small groups of 15 children. They are supervised by three trained and experienced teaching staff.

There are two hours of German lessons every day. Reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar are practised along with lots of games and tasks. And this is what it looks like:


During daily theatre lessons, the children develop a play. They perform the play at the end of “Deutschsommer”. You will be invited as a family to attend.

A leisure programme rounds off “Deutschsommer” with fun and games. The children also get to know nature while on excursions in the region.

And the positive effects of “Deutschsommer” are already being felt!

“Deutschsommer” has already won numerous prizes.


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Sascha Janitz Projektleiter
Bildungslandschaft und Sprachbildung
069 - 789 889 - 57